

Books that are emotionally engaging, passionately crafted, and infused with hope.

A Holiday Message of Hope and Kindness

Hope this years holiday message finds you with a few moments to read and savoir the words, the message and the hope of the holidays.


The days fold in upon themselves.

Daylight hours diminish.

The colors of our world

Shift from gold to silver

And Winter’s mage wind

Sweeps into

Our homes,

Our hearts,

Our hopes,

Releasing the season’s magic.


Believing in the resilience of light

We take comfort

In the long night darkness.

Finding a soothing peace

Settling deep within us

And contentment in the consoling quiet.


Twelfth moon

Ushers in the ancient festivals

Of light and redemption

Promises fulfilled.

Trust restored.

Faith realized.


As we watch feather-fine flakes

Drift and fill the landscape,

A memory of kindness floats into our hearts.

We remember to hang hope on the tree.

To put a candle in the window for everyone.

To plant peace in the reluctant winter earth.

As we do, we find ourselves standing,

Heart-to-heart and hand-in-hand,

Keeping the world alive,

One kindness, one friendship at a time.


May old friendships and new fill your days with kindness and their blessings be renewed.

“And there’s a hand my trusty friend! And give me a hand o’thine! And we’ll take a

 right good-will draught for auld lang syne.”  Robert Burns


© By: Thelma Giomi, 2019

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