

Books that are emotionally engaging, passionately crafted, and infused with hope.

The Breath of Kindness

What can we ever give to another more sacred and more loving than acceptance of who they are and what they bring to our life.   Oh, the inexpressible comfort of  feeling safe with a person: having  neither to weigh thoughts nor  measure words, but to pour them out. Just as they are—-chaff and grain…

“How all Creatures Share an Equality of Being.”

Meister Eckhart was a German theologian, philosopher and mystic. Among his many inspiring sermons and writings he wrote one entitled, “How all Creatures Share an Equality of Being.” In that sermon he wrote that animals do not love half-halfheartedly. He pointed out that we have a deep level of shared energies, and shared being with…

New Year’s Resolutions?

New Year’s Resolutions Do you make New Year’s resolutions? That deep-felt sincere intention to do something different, something new or stop something not helpful? The mindfulness movement is everywhere these days. It can overwhelm us with its “shoulds”. The message is old and repeated through many approaches and schools of thought. We are commanded to…


A CRUEL MYSTERY             “I will tell you not what you want to hear, but what I know to be true because I have lived it. This truth will trouble you, but in the end, you cannot be free without it, because you know it already, your body knows it already.” Arthur Franks, The Wounded…

Healing Waters

`It’s raining in my garden. We haven’t had rain in weeks. Sitting here at my computer the sound of the gentle continuous shower nudges my characters’ progress aside as I work on my latest novel. It seems to insist “listen to me, come see, come see.” I rise regretting, for just an instant missing what…

Finding Our Connections through the Words

It is a strange feeling for an author, a poet, to send her words out into the deep unknowing. Will they touch the intended heart? The one that was the reason the words needed to be sent out? Will they resonate and leave a trace of affirmation, hope, encouragement? It is a question I must…


Sometimes things come together in the most exquisite of ways. This happened with Value, a new collection of poems and essays by “Women of a Certain Age’. Most of us who contributed to this collection are well-know and award winning poets and writers. We were asked to write about the experiences of loss, grief, suffering,…