

Books that are emotionally engaging, passionately crafted, and infused with hope.


A CRUEL MYSTERY             “I will tell you not what you want to hear, but what I know to be true because I have lived it. This truth will trouble you, but in the end, you cannot be free without it, because you know it already, your body knows it already.” Arthur Franks, The Wounded…


The lupus foundation describes lupus as one of the world’s cruelest, most unpredictable, and devastating diseases. It depicts the impact of Lupus on those who suffer from it as brutal. Being in the middle of a significant flare-up myself makes me even more determined to reach out not only to those who have this disease,…


Sunday afternoon at Treasure House books I read from Weather’s Store (a novel) and Church of My Heart (meditations and experiences at the Petroglyp Park. The store was filled to standing room only . It was such a joy to read and discuss my books about New Mexico with such an enthusiastic and insightful audience.…

So You Won an Award Now What?

Awards don’t always mean much except to the person receiving them. However, the award of 1st Place for Fiction for Shatter My Heart came with a review of the book. The words in that review were significant because they captured so much of my intent and hopes for the book.  Perhaps sharing this review will…

Will You Dance

The theme of healing through music, singing, dancing and storytelling are so integral to our well being. It is why I turned this year’s holiday poem toward the vibrancy of hearing our own song and dancing our own dance. Here is that poem from December 2018 and following it a similar sentiment by Gabrielle Roth.…

A Birthday Remembrance

Today I celebrate my mother’s birthday. A woman who loved being a mother more than anything. What I have of resilience and compassion I inherited from her. For others who no longer have the physical presence of their mother in there lives perhaps knowing that what some may call coincidence or synchronicity may just be…

Finding Our Connections through the Words

It is a strange feeling for an author, a poet, to send her words out into the deep unknowing. Will they touch the intended heart? The one that was the reason the words needed to be sent out? Will they resonate and leave a trace of affirmation, hope, encouragement? It is a question I must…