

Books that are emotionally engaging, passionately crafted, and infused with hope.

Ordinary Grace

Yesterday, my book club faced the new reality. We had a phone conference book club meeting. It went surprisingly well. While some chose not to participate, those of us who did found a comfortable space to shelter us. We heard the familiar voices we heard every month. We dove into the story, the messages, the…

Something Just Right

I hope you have a mug that fits your hands just right. One you can wrap both hands around and warm your fingers clear through as you savor your morning brew. Holding that warm, just-right mug in your hands, You can watch the sunrise growing loud with vibrant colors that fade quietly into a fragile…

Lighting the Bayberry Candle

Lighting the Bayberry Candle In our family we have a tradition of lighting a bayberry candle on New Year’s Eve. This tradition is very old and may have originated with the early colonists. Because it came from my MacGregor grandmother’s traditions, we always associated it with our Scottish heritage. In the tradition, the candle is…

A Simple Ceremony

Simple rituals take a moment, an ordinary moment, and bring us into its presence. We are for the moment with the moment. Drawn by some gesture, a phrase, a simple ceremony like lighting a candle My friend of German heritage always reaches for the hands of those around the table and as we follow his…